Why do people judge me for giving bleach enemas to my autistic kid?

Op Ed by Valerie Schoof

We all have our crosses to bear, as my mother used to tell me. Whether it’s a ghastly disease, a substance abuse problem, or an abusive spouse, everyone faces challenges in life. So listen up all you haters, for I also have a burden: my kid’s autism, and I’m sick of people judging me just because I choose to cure him with bleach enemas.

Now I know what you’re thinking – “But Valerie, bleach? Like Clorox? Doesn’t that hurt?” Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks for your concern but no thanks, I’ll pass on your patronizing jibber jabber. If you did your own research, like I have, you would know that the “bleach” is actually 28% sodium chlorite in distilled water. And there’s something else you need to know: I use it to recover my child from autism.

I’m watching it happen. My son isn’t sick and I’ll proudly say that we’ve been on the “bleach”, I mean, Miracle Mineral Solution® protocol, for a year. When we started MMS, my son could only say two words: “mama” and “pterodactyl.” But after 12 months of hard work and thousands of dollars later, Jeffrey used full sentences to thank everyone for coming to his second birthday party!

Furthermore, the dark circles under his eyes have disappeared. He was plainly under weight before we started, now he’s thriving. And since our naturopath discontinued Jeffrey’s 2 am MMS treatment, he’s sleeping through the night.

So why do people still judge me? I’m not looking for a debate. If you could see what I see, you wouldn’t be so quick to bring up the sodium chlorite thing. Jeffrey is answering questions instead of repeating what I say. He plays with his sister, and even notices the family’s pet kinkajou, Mr. Tibbs. He started calling me mom right as soon as the protocol began. I’ll never forget the first time Jeffrey said “No mama, I’ll get better!” So cute.

And the best part of all are the changes to his gut. I don’t want to get too graphic here, but I’ve seen things other that doo-doo in his nappy, if you catch my drift. Things like mucus, and necrotic tissue, and a dark red liquid that turns to a darker, gel-like substance shortly after it is passed. “Western” doctors can’t explain these things, so I don’t ask. My naturopath says it’s all necessary for cleansing, which is the first step to recovery!

So the next time you hear about someone forcing bleach up their kiddo’s hoo-haw, mind your own beeswax and don’t judge. It may look like child abuse to you, but to me, it’s tough love. Jeffrey will thank me one day.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.