Vaccines may cause homosexuality (according to VacTruth at least)

In a bizarre post (even by Vac Truth standards) the admin of VTs Facebook page asked what people thought of vaccines altering peoples hormones and DNA, making them homosexual.

As expected, many people responded in the comments section with outrage and anger. Most of these comments were quickly deleted and the posters banned. This is a familiar trick employed by anti-vaccine advocates – create an echo chamber on their websites and Facebook pages to make it appear as though everyone agrees with what they are saying.

Some of VacTruth’s cult members also replied to the question with wild anecdotes and conjecture. Many posters also stated unequivocally that “it is known” vaccines (and GMOs) are alternating our DNA and contain “endocrine disrupting chemicals.” When pressed for evidence of these claims, they either did not respond or called their detractors ‘shills’.

In response to the question posed by Vac Truth “Do you think vaccinating a child with vaccines, that are made up of endocrine disrupting chemicals, can affect the outcome of a person’s sexuality?” The Spudd has a firm and calculated response:


You can read the original post here:

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.