Thank you. Finally, the TRUTH about vaccines

Over the past several hours, The Spudd has been conducting research similar to that of many parents who are apprehensive about vaccinations, by using Google. Our research team spent tens of minutes Googling things like “vaccines are poison” and “vaccines cause autism” and we were shocked at what we found.

It appears that while some brave mavericks speaking out against vaccines are relatively well known, there are a lot more little-known vaccine truth seekers than you think. All of these brave people (from osteopaths to naturopaths to homeopaths to internet-college PhDs to Mama’s who “just know”) are all speaking out against the medical industrial complex.

Not only that, they are also kind enough to sell you REAL medicine, like vitamin supplements, colloidal silver and various other natural products either directly from their websites, or through affiliate links.

We just wanted to take the time to say thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to post a blog or make a Facebook group to help out parents who are concerned about vaccinations.

Thank you for taking the time to help parents who know that Big Pharma is evil and that scary sounding medical ingredients are bad for children.

Thank you for allowing those websites to show up on Google and confirm a parents’ bias.

Thank you for reassuring parents that when their little boy or girl is home in pain with whooping cough or the measles, they can turn to natural remedies for a cure.

Thank you for not making parents feel guilty about their decision to put a small child through hell and back to get “natural immunity”.

Thank you for reassuring parents that the one in a million chance of an adverse reaction from a vaccine is somehow worse than the 1 in a 1000 chance of death from the disease.

Thank you.



Never mind, fuck it. You people are all fucking nuts. Get your kids vaccinated.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.