Tag: research
New study shows comments more convincing when expressed in ALL CAPS
A new study from the Natural Green Health Science Journal has concluded that when refuting.
Breaking: GMO salmon take over breeding plant, hold scientists hostage
PEI, CANADA – In a breaking story, reports indicate that the GMO Salmon being bread.
Paranormal researchers still searching for proof of Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster and Vaccine Injuries
Paranormal researchers have been looking for evidence of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and vaccine.
PubMed Lite announced for anti-vaccers: will use simpler, easier to understand vocabulary
Anti-vaccers are rejoicing after PubMed Lite was officially announced today and will be launched shortly..
Local man struggling to wake up despite repeated warnings
DARLING, ND – Local man Mark Sheeple has reportedly been bedridden for days, unable to wake up. Numerous people from around the world have joined in the cause, urging Sheeple to WAKE UP!!
95% of house fires occur in homes of vaccinated individuals, study finds
BALTIMORE, MD – A new study released today coauthored by Stephanie Senoff, Mike Adams and.