Study: Supplements and homeopathy equally effective at reducing back pain by lightening wallets

NEW HAVEN, CT – Researchers at Yale University completed a 2 year study looking at the effect of wallet weight on lower back pain. They followed two groups of people who either bought supplements from a naturopath or magic water from a homeopath. The two groups were then followed up at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months.

The results showed a statistically significant reduction in wallet weight. “Both groups spent an average of $346 per year on either supplements or homeopathy. Both groups had significant reductions in their wallet weight and slight improvement in lower back pain,” said lead researcher Dr. Stan Bernisky.

Using logistic regression analysis, the researchers determined that the slight improvement in back pain was a direct result of patients carrying a lighter wallet and not a result of the magic water or unnecessary supplements.

“I think the main thing people can take out of this study is to carry a lighter wallet. If you are looking for something to spend your money on, we suggest donating to a charity rather than donating to “doctors” who peddle miracle cures. Both will have the same effect on your back pain.”


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