Study: Amount of money spent on alternative health products directly correlates to patient satisfaction

ANAHEIM, CA – A new study released today by the Society of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (SCAM) revealed that patient satisfaction is directly correlated to the amount of money one spends on the product.

“It’s pretty cut and dry,” said Dr. Albert Clifford, co-principal investigator of the study. “The more money people spent on a miracle cure, supplement, herb, etc. the more they perceived it worked and the more satisfied they were.”


While many will see this as a form of inherent bias among the users of complimentary and alternative medicine, the purveyors of said products completely disagree.

“I think quite clearly what this study shows is that our more expensive products are better for our patients” said Sarah Pope. “I would encourage all the people who use complimentary and alternative medicine to buy the most expensive products you can; that way you know you are getting the best possible results.”


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.