Pretentious, gluten-free, anti-GMO daughter devours gluten-filled, GMO supper and doesn’t notice

gluten free

FRESNO, CA – Becky Haskell was back from college for the Thanksgiving holiday and was happy to sit down with her family for a delicious turkey dinner. She did, however, have some concerns.

“I told my whole family that I no longer eat gluten or GMOs” explained Becky. “I’ve learned so much in my first two months of college, like I know more about science and stuff than almost everyone I know.”

Becky’s mom was reportedly not happy about the situation, worried she would have to cook two separate meals. That’s when she had an idea.

“I told Becky that her father, brothers and I would honor her request and all eat gluten-free, non-GMO foods for our holiday meal,” said Mrs. Haskell. “But in reality, I didn’t do anything at all. I cooked the same dinner I always do and just told her it was all natural or whatever.”

According to sources close to the Haskell’s, Becky ate two full plates and declared it to be the best Thanksgiving meal she has ever had.

“I really hope this proves to everyone that gluten-free, non-GMO food can be just as good, if not better, than the toxic food all the sheep eat.”


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.