Personal Narrative: My natural birth, a father’s story.

I have admired many women who have shared their natural birth stories. Today, I would like to share mine. By way of introduction, I am now the father of a wonderful child, 9 year-old Sarah. My wife was several days past her due date and we knew the big moment could come at any time.

My birth story started at about 11 PM on August 16th, 2005. I had had a very long day at work. I am a doctor myself and had just completed a double shift. Despite that, I still had the energy to go to the gym later that evening. Needless to say, I had just drifted off to sleep when my wife informed me that “the moment” had come. We had been through several false alarms and literally live across the street from the hospital. Not wanting to be sent home again, I advised my wife to wait a bit longer before we went in.

I had just drifted off to sleep again when she awoke me 30 minutes later- not that I was in a deep sleep due to her grunting in pain, actually. At that moment, we knew this was the real deal. In my stupor, we crossed the street where the doctors confirmed she was in labor. 19 hours later, out came Sarah, a perfectly healthy, beautiful girl.

While watching this miracle come into the world was exhilarating, it was also exhausting for me. I had been up well over 24 hours and wanted nothing more than to go back to bed, or at least drink a large cup of coffee. But more than anything, I wanted my experience of Sarah’s birth to be completely natural, unsullied by caffeine or any other medications.

The most difficult part for me was  holding my wife’s hand during every contractions. Though she squeezed my hand as hard as she could during each contraction, not once did I take Tylenol or any medication to relieve the pain. I am not going to lie- she nearly crushed my hand. Labor was more painful and difficult than I ever could have imagined. But, I realize that this transcendent experience would have been transformed into a mere medical procedure had I used chemicals to interfere with it. It would have been a woozy memory for me, rather than the miracle nature intended.

I have heard other fathers talk about how they medicated themselves during their birth experience.  I don’t judge them for their decision, so much as feel sorry for them.  I don’t pretend it was easy, but I don’t regret for a second my decision to birth naturally.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.