New anti-vaccine superhero being released by Marvel Comics

NEW YORK, NY – Marvel Comics has unveiled their newest super hero: Measles Man. He is the first openly anti-vaccine super hero to be released by the company.

“We really wanted to capture the anti-vaccine hysteria that is running rampant in our country right now,” said Stan Lee. “We think Measles Man will be very popular with a certain demographic: crazy parents.”

The origin of Measles Man is a closely guarded secret, but a whistleblower has leaked the information to The Spudd and basically he was a normal anti-vaccine, anti-GMO middle-aged man living in his mother’s basement when he was struck down with the measles. While in hospital, he is believed to have obtained super human resistance to all known pathogens and flies around the country warning anyone who will listen about the dangers of vaccines.

In the first storyline of the series, Measles Man heads to Africa to help fight Ebola (after making a quick pit stop in Canada to destroy the lab where scientists are working on the Ebola vaccine).

The first issue will be on sale June 1st across the United States.

Update: Measles Man has died of Ebola.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.