ONTARIO, CANADA – Musician and rock legend Neil Young has signed on with Sanofi PAsteur Canada, the makers of the insulin he uses to control his diabetes. The insulin is technically genetically modified, something Mr. Young is very much against.
ONTARIO, CANADA – Musician and rock legend Neil Young has signed on with Sanofi Pasteur Canada, the makers of the insulin he uses to control his diabetes. The insulin is technically genetically modified, something Mr. Young is very much against.
“I am against all forms of genetic engineering,” stated Mr. Young in a recent interview. “Unless it saves my life, then I’m OK with it.”
Young, who rose to stardom with the band Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, is considered a Canadian rock icon. Recently he has become a vocal critic of GMOs, even though he seemingly doesn’t quite understand what exactly they are.
His new album, The Monsanto Years, is packed full of scientific inaccuracies like the line “Yeah, I want a cup of coffee but I don’t want a GMO” which talks about not wanting to get Starbucks coffee because he doesn’t want to drink a GMO…but there is no GMO coffee sold…anywhere.
It comes as a bit of surprise to many of his new anti-GMO fans that Young would partner with a pharmaceutical company, specifically to promote a GMO product.
“The only thing I can think of is it must be some kind of trick. He must be trying to take them down from the inside,” said March Against Monsanto member Randy Donaldson.
The first ads featuring Young are set to be published sometime in April.