Medical marijuana use linked to lower prescription drug use, higher ratings for Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure

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ATLANTA, GA – The University of Georgia released the results of a new study examining prescription drug use in 17 states which has passed medical marijuana laws.

According to CBC and Reuters:

“Researchers looked at prescription data for nine conditions in which marijuana could serve as an alternative treatment to prescription drugs: Anxiety,Depression,Glaucoma, Nausea, Pain, Psychosis, Seizures, Sleep disorders and Spasticity.

The data showed that, in the areas where medical marijuana was allowed, fewer prescriptions were written for every category except glaucoma, which was exactly what they expected. While marijuana does lower eye pressure in those with glaucoma, its effects last only about an hour. So researchers correctly predicted that the number of daily doses for glaucoma medication would increase because taking marijuana every hour would not be realistic.”

The researchers also discovered something even more shocking: The ratings on Netflix for Bill and Teds Excellent adventure and Bill and Teds Bogus Journey were significantly higher in states where medical marijuana is available.

“The average rating on Netflix across the USA is 3 stars for Excellent Adventure and 2 stars for Bogus Journey,” explained Bradford. “In the states where people have easier access to marijuana, Excellent Adventure has 5 stars and Bogus Journey has 4 and a half.”

The researchers believe that this finding means more people are using marijuana in lieu of more harmful prescription drugs and also helping with the grassroots campaign to get Bill and Ted 3 into production.

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter could not be reached for comment.


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