Man blames life’s problems on C-Section

39 year-old George McGill said that a string of failures in his life can be traced back to his birth when he was delivered via c-section due to his breech presentation. “I started out behind the 8 ball,” McGill told The Spudd. “While my vaginally-born peers were exposed to their mother’s vaginal bacterial flora, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy gut microbiome, I was deprived of this vital start into the world, and I have been paying the price ever since.”

Much of life has been a challenge for Mr. McGill. He failed to complete college due to a marijuana addiction and has since struggled to maintain a steady job or have a meaningful relationship for more than several months. His most recent position as a sandwich artist at Subway was terminated after he slept through several shifts.

“I can’t help but wonder what my life would be like had I been born vaginally,” he told The Spudd.  “I could  have ended up like Brady, rich and all that,” he said, referring to a childhood neighbor who was one of the first employees at Google, and has since amassed a large fortune and enjoyed a successful marriage.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.