Just Because I Spend Every Waking Moment of Every Day Thinking About Food Doesn't Mean I Have an Eating Disorder

Op Ed by Vain Hair

Let me give you a typical insight into my day. I usually wake up a 6AM and hop right into the shower. While I wake up, I begin to plan the day, namely what I am going to eat.  Breakfast is the easiest, since I have planned that out the night before. It also helps that most mornings I eat a light breakfast of goat’s mild yogurt, with non-GMO, pesticide-free, chemical-free, nuts, berries, and fruit.

After that, I head down to the farmer’s market where I can buy fresh produce daily and ask the individual farmers about their growing methods. I start planning for lunch around 10AM and usually by noon I know what I am going to eat. After preparing for lunch, I eat my lunch. Usually by this time it is 3PM and I have several hours to work on my writing or go the gym before I start preparing for dinner.

Most of the time, I am able to use the ingredients I purchased that morning to prepare dinner. However, many times I have to return to the farmer’s market to buy fresh ingredients or simply to ask a few more questions of the farmers. I then return home at 6 and by 10, I have prepared and eaten dinner, as well as prepared breakfast for the next morning.

I make sure everything I eat is healthy 100% of the time. Every meal. Every morsel of food. In contrast, for many Americans, food is simply a way for people to fuel themselves while they work or spend time with their family. Many people try to eat healthy, but all too often indulge in unhealthy eating habits. Other people eat junk food on a regular basis and almost never think about the quality of the food they eat. And they say I am the one with the eating disorder? How can this be when I am the healthiest eater I know? If anyone has an eating disorder it is those disgusting, fetid people who don’t care what they eat. Because only one of us can have an eating disorder. And it’s not me.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.