Jake Crosby gets lost in labyrinth, saved by Seth Mnookin

Jake Crosby, aka “The Kid”, was recently reported missing after he ventured out into a labyrinth on his parents property in Northern Connecticut. Jake is well-known among the anti-vaccine community for coming up with distant and wild ties between anyone who is pro-vaccine and the pharmaceutical industry. This has become known as “Crosby’s Labyrinth”.

For his most recent birthday, his parents erected a labyrinth in his honor in the backyard of their estate. It was in this very labyrinth that Jake became lost last week.

It was only when his cries and pleas for help were heard by an unlikely source that he was rescued. Seth Mnookin happened to be speaking at a near by conference when his spidey sense kicked in and he felt someone nearby was in trouble.

Seth immediately drove to the Crosby estate and noticed the giant labyrinth. “I just knew he was in there and I knew it was up to me to save him. I have been caught in Crosby’s Labyrinth before,” explained Mnookin.

Seth found Crosby huddled in a corner of the maze, muttering something about how Big Pharma was responsible for his getting lost.

This story fortunately has a happy ending as Mnookin was able to guide Crosby out of the labyrinth and back to safety.

Unfortunately, however, Crosby has accused Mnookin of poking in him the chest while guiding him out.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.