Integrative psychologist, Dr. Catherine Davis, voiced a strong opposition to the planned neurosurgical approach being considered for a patient of hers, Dana Kaplan. Ms. Kaplan, a 43 year-old mother of 4 was diagnosed with a clivus chordoma this summer when she started experiencing problems with her balance and swallowing.
The tumors, though rare and benign, often grow to a large size before causing symptoms by impinging on the brainstem.
Given the size of the tumor, her neurosurgeon, who has performed hundreds of skull-based operations, planned on using the lateral skull base approach (the so-called “middle fossa approach”).
However, Dr. Davis strongly disagreed, noting that “recently, transnasal endoscopic and endoscopic-assisted approaches have been added to the armamentarium of skull base surgeons. My research strongly indicates that this is the optimal surgical technique for modern-day skull-based tumors.”
Giving medical advice that contradicts the recommendations of every major medical society around the world in fields in which she lacks training and credentials is a familiar experience for Dr. Davis, who has previously advised patients to have home-births, and to avoid vaccines, fluoride, statins, chemotherapy, and GMOs.
“In a medical culture driven by outdated and pharmaceutically driven interventions, someone has to be an advocate for my patients. That is my role,” Dr. Davis told The Spudd.