Food Babe swears off air as "toxic"

Well it’s finally happened. Vani Hari has become so ignorant in the field of science, that she has sworn off air. In a recent post to the Food Babe blog, Ms. Hari expressed concern at the fact that the air in airplane cabins is almost 50% nitrogen. Clearly something that is toxic to humans:


The air you are breathing on an airplane is recycled from directly outside of your window. That means you are breathing everything that the airplanes gives off and is flying through. The air that is pumped in isn’t pure oxygen either, it’s mixed with nitrogen, sometimes almost at 50%. To pump a greater amount of oxygen in costs money in terms of fuel and the airlines know this! The nitrogen may affect the times and dosages of medications, make you feel bloated and cause your ankles and joints swell.


Upon landing, someone apparently informed the Food Babe that the air we breathe on earth is around 78% nitrogen. Ms. Hari was immediately shocked and saddened by this awful news. She officially announced that she is swearing off the very air we breathe as “toxic”.

The latest reports have Ms. Hari carrying around her own oxygen tanks wherever she goes.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.