Experimenting on Ebola vaccines is unethical

“Experimenting on Ebola vaccines is unethical,” says woman who always calls for “more research” on vaccines.

In a scathing essay, blogger Meagan called into question the entire ethical paradigm behind testing vaccines. Writing on her blog, “WholeLiving,” Meagan wrote, “It is a travesty that young, healthy people are being injected with an experimental vaccine before they even know whether it is safe or effective. This just shows the callousness of Big Pharma and how much they put profits over people.”

That Meagan, who describes herself as a “Certified Natural Health Teacher, Registered Power Yoga Guide, Naturopath, Holistic Writer, and Work-at-home Mama,” would criticize pharmaceutical companies over their testing of vaccines surprised few of her loyal fans.

“Meagan is always saying how untested vaccines really are and how there has never been an true scientific study of the current vaccine schedule,” said a long time reader of her blog Sean Seagul. “So it really doesn’t surprise me at all to read her insightful criticisms of the current studies being done on the Ebola vaccine.”

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.