Breastfeed to 21

The World Naturopathic Organization has made a controversial move today to increase the recommended age to stop breastfeeding to 21 years old.

They are hoping to do two things with this change: to help reduce the stigma around breastfeeding and prevent underage kids from drinking alcohol.

Dr. Strawberry Wildflower of the WNO was quoted as saying “Everyone knows that the only thing that will remove the stigma around breastfeeding is seeing it happen more. What better way to do this than by breastfeeding for 21 years?”

When asked about the prevention of underage drinking, Dr. Wildflower said “Well, we all know that someone who is breastfeeding is not allowed to drink alcohol. Can you think of a better way to prevent underage drinking?”

Which left this journalist speechless.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.