Anti-vaccine mom refuses car seat test for newborn

MALIBU, CA – New mom, Ashley Penney, refused to have hospital staff examine her newborn baby’s car seat before leaving the hospital, insiders say. It is standard practice for new babies (especially preemies) to be shown how to correctly sit them in a car seat and make sure they are big enough to fit safely in the seat before being discharged from hospital.

“There is no way I am letting some doctor or nurse do any test on my little angel,” said Penney. “I refused the vitamin K shot and will not be vaccinating my child either. Why do they think I would allow them to do this barbaric test?”

When pressed for details, the hospital staff said Ms. Penney was told how and why the cart seat test exists and what it is there for. “We just want to make sure the child is big enough for her car seat, and that she is in the safest environment possible” said Dr. James Tourny. “It is pretty standard for parents and nurses, doctors, etc. to discuss car seats when leaving the hospital.”

But not for Mrs. Penney. She claims she knows better and has done her research.

“Big Carseat is just one big racket” explains Penney. “They have never done a carseat vs. no-car seat study, and those straps are full of chemicals.”

At last report, Mrs. Penney was planning on strapping her newborn to the seat using organic, non-GMO kelp.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.