Anti-Vaccine meme designer decides to use image of crying baby and a bunch of needles

After much deliberation, anti-vaccine meme maker Gary Nill decided to “go with an image of a crying baby and a bunch of needles” in crafting his last anti-vaccine masterpiece.

“A good meme can convey in an instant, both emotionally and intellectually, what it takes a writer several paragraphs or even pages to accomplish,” Nill told The Spudd. “I was really thinking hard about a meme which I hoped could convey the dangers of vaccines. For days, my mind was blank. I came up with nothing. Then, while in the shower, out of the blue, it came to me, ‘an image of crying baby and a bunch of needles.’ It is really amazing how the mind works like that.”

“I had some trouble thinking of words to match the image, once created, but I eventually decided to use the word “toxin” several times. I also made sure to remind viewers vaccines are not natural and made by Big Pharma. I advised them to ‘do their own research’” said Nill. He said he used only capital letters to emphasize the importance and seriousness of the message.

Nill said that the experience was similar to the time he thought of having a needle on top of money to represent the greed of the “vaccine-industry,” and his proudest achievement, a meme with a needle stuck in a tomato as a representation of the dangers of GMOs.



Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.