Anti-cast the new hip trend in California

MALIBU, CA – California is an epicenter of hot yoga, anti-GMO advocates, measles and anti-vaccers. So what is the latest trend growing in southern California? Anti-casts. That right, the plaster or fiberglass wrappings orthopedists use to stabilize a broken bone.  The trend has been growing steadily over the past few years say doctors from the area.

“We are seeing less and less patients opting for casts for broken bones, instead treating their fractures with “natural medicine” and essential oils,” said Dr. James Ulna, Orthopedic resident at Malibu Medical Center. “We can’t stress enough how much not getting a cast can compound the injury.”

Parents of children with broken bones who are opting out of casts say they are doing so because of the chemical ingredients.

“Do you have any idea how toxic plaster is? If you swallow enough plaster, you can die” said Jennifer Talus, mommy blogger and part-time jogger. “The fiberglass ones are even worse. I don’t think people even realize that fiberglass is made with REAL GLASS and polymer products. It’s really scary.”

Doctors are warning patients that skipping casts can lead to severe lifelong problems and skeletal abnormalities, while anti-casters are telling parents to “wake up” and “do your research.”

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.