A crash course in how to blame ANYTHING on vaccines

DENVER, CO – In a secret meeting attended by a who’s who of anti-vaccine cult members, they carefully came up with a script and gameplan on how to literally blame anything on vaccines.

Shaken Baby Syndrome? No problem: did the child get a vaccine within the last few weeks? Boom. Case closed. We even have anti-vaccine bloggers that talk about this.

Mass shooting? Easy peasy: did the suspect get vaccinated? Odds are they did at some point, just use that. Remember: correlation most often DOES equal causation.

Didn’t win the lottery? Another easy one: how many people who don’t win the lottery have been vaccinated? Almost all of them!

Autism? Please, that’s an easy one, just do your research.

Chronic illness like diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis? Again, not an issue. Just list some vaccine ingredients, call them toxic, and throw in some medical words and memes. Done and done.

As you can see, the group pretty much covered everything. An official manifesto will be released in the coming weeks.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.