It's time for a Sutured vs. Unsutured study

In thousands of emergency rooms across the country, lacerations of all kinds are routinely sutured without a second thought. Emergency room doctors are little more than automatons when someone enters their hospital with an injury. This is what they were taught in medical school, and only the free-thinker dare to challenge this dogma. But did you know that a sutured versus non-sutured control study has ever been performed?

We at The Spudd feel such a study is long overdue. We have no illusions that the medical device companies will permit such a study, unfortunately. There is simply too much money to be made from the status quo. They know that such a study will likely not yield the results they want.

Despite what you may hear, there is no “anti-suture” movement, rather, the movement is to make people aware of the growing epidemic of suture injuries. We are pro suture awareness: namely, acknowledging their known harms and the fact that in many instances the harms far outweigh the purported benefits.

It is time to end the intentional ignorance on this subject.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.