Since it is awards time in Hollywood, the Spudd would like to provide its readers with this handy guide to the movies. You won’t actually have to go see the movie (and therefore you won’t be exposed to vaccinated children shedding all over the place). Instead, just use this guide and you will be the knowledgeable life of lunch break and water cooler conversations.
Unbreakable– Louie Zamperini survives all kinds of horrible treatment because the prison guards feed him non-GMO rice prior to each beating.
Into the Woods– This mashup of several fairy tales features Johnny Depp as a singing wolf and possible pedophile, and Rapunzel washing her hair in vinegar and cinnamon because, come on, vinegar is the natural cure they don’t want you to know about.
Interstellar– Obviously a fantasy. After all, everyone knows that the landing on the moon was faked by the government at a secret Hollywood studio.
Big Eyes– mutant children bent on world domination. Sure, pesticides are safe. Suuuurre…
Selma– while this is advertised as an homage to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is in fact actually about Selma, California. Grapes. Anti-vaccers. Dust. Really hot summers.
The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay, part 1– when you rearrange the words in the title of this movie, you get “GMOs: Hurting My Heart”. Need I say more?
This has been a public service from you friends at The Spudd.