SPOKANE, WA – A 42 year-old man who was hit by a car while crossing the road in Spokane, Washington has died in hospital this morning from complications arising from getting run over by the car. However, The Spudd has learned that the man was immune-compromised and died due to the complications from the accident and not from the car itself.
“This gentleman had a compromised immune system, and we believe a healthier person would have survived the accident,” said Dr. Cara Van. “Therefor, we must conclude that they died from complications from the accident and not the accident itself.”
This is not an unheard of phenomenon as we see it a lot with vaccine preventable diseases like measles and the flu.
“This is a very similar situation to someone dying of the flu or the measles,” said Sherri Tenpenny, self professed vaccine expert. “They almost always die from a complication of the vaccine preventable disease, not the disease itself. Therefor we must conclude that vaccine preventable diseases are harmless and vaccines cause autism.”
A truly stunning conclusion.