After spending the better part of two years using their online medical degrees to post and comment about COVID-19, thousands of people are now rushing to exchange the degree for one in foreign policy.
“With the war in Ukraine happening now and COVID-19 mandates being lifted across the globe, it’s time to move on to foreign policy,” said Karen McDonald. “I got a lot of use out my online medical degree, but now I could really use a PhD in foreign policy from Google.”
As the conflict in Ukraine continues, expect to see many experts emerge on social media.
“We see this all the time,” explains Dr. James Gauthier, Google PhD. “When a new crisis arises, many of us do what the so called experts will not: research everything ourselves and come up with the real truth. We did it after the US election, we did it with COVID and we’re going to do it again with Ukraine. You’re welcome.”
The process itself is not as easy as it sounds, however. To be granted an internet PhD, one must research several hours of YouTube videos from fringe content makers, follow as many like-minded people on Twitter as possible, and join Facebook groups which already share your conclusions about the topic. It can take days and even weeks in some cases.
Keep an eye out for these experts on the interwebs and remember to always trust any source, no matter how outrageous, as long as it says what you want it to say.