UNKNOWN – The skeptical blogger known simply as “Orac” was reportedly hospitalized earlier today with what doctors are calling “extreme exhaustion.”
Orac took it upon himself to debunk every single anti-vaccine, anti-science claim all on his own in just one sitting. While many colleagues and fellow skeptics warned him this would be a nearly impossible task, Orac decided to go ahead with his ambitious plan anyhow.
After starting off debunking some of the classics like vaccines causing autism, vaccines are filled with “toxins” and anyone who is pro-vaccine must be a paid pharma shill, Orac was really in a groove.
“He was on fire and I really thought he was going to be able to do it,” said fellow skeptic Steve Novella of the Skeptics Guide to the Universe. “It’s when he ventured further down the rabbit hole and began examining claims like people being vaccinated by chemtrails, Paul Offit being a Nazi, medical schools are run by the Illuminati, and vaccines cause genetic conditions like down’s syndrome -is when he really hit a wall.”
To his credit, Orac pressed on and was approaching 34 hours of straight debunking – a new world record according to the Guinness World Record Foundation and was poised to complete his Herculean effort.
Alas, he slowly started fading away and began to have visions of formaldehyde and Paul Offit laughing maniacally in a Nazi uniform before eventually passing out. Colleagues found him a few hours later passed out on his computer chair with what appeared to be an injury on his forehead roughly in the shape of a palm.
“Mr. Orac remains stable and we have him on IV fluids,” said his doctor. “We also treated him for minor head trauma caused by repeated facepalming.”
God speed on your recovery Orac.