In a truly heartbreaking story, The Science Post has learned that several brands of organic food have been linked to Morgellons disease, gluten sensitivity and chronic Lyme disease.
“As of right now we know of at least 4 different organic companies which have products confirmed or suspected of causing these health issues,” said Brian Hunter of the FDA. “Fortunately, none of these diseases or conditions actually exist so that is the silver lining here.”
Many people who suffer from these made up diseases also eat a strictly “natural” diet which of course consists of organic food.
“I’m beyond words at this point,” said anti-vaccine, anti-GMO, anti-gluten, Morgellons survivor Gene Haskel. “I have suffered with this disease for so many years and it has really been hard on me and my family. To learn that it may have been cause by something like organic food is awful, just awful.”
Haskel and her family had to sell their house and car; Their children have also been forced to quit school and get jobs in order to help pay for Gene’s alternative treatments.
“This disease is so rare that the treatments I have to get from the internet and my naturopath costs an insane amount of money,” she explained. “But I am hopeful that with the right mix of homeopathy and chakra alignment I can beat this thing.”
The FDA has not recalled any of the suspected foods as again, you can’t cause a disease which doesn’t exist.
*Update: Gene’s Morgellons has reportedly gotten better, but unfortunately her Fibromyalgia has returned.