Category: News
Anti-vaccers confused by decline in measles cases after vaccination campaign in Samoa
SAMOA – The measles outbreak in Samoa which has claimed at least 70 lives (mostly.
World Health Organization classifies Monsanto’s dihydrogen monoxide as “probably carcinogenic”
SWITZERLAND – The World Health Organization struck a huge blow against Monsanto today when they.
New law makes it legal for atheist doctors and nurses to refuse care to religious patients
JACKSON, MS – A new law in Mississippi has made it legal for doctors and.
CDC releases new list of vaccine side effects: old age, grey hair, top list
ATLANTA, GA – The CDC released a new and updated list of possible side effects for.
Jordan Peterson refuses to call students by their preferred names
TORONTO – Professor Jordan Peterson is in hot water again after refusing to call students.
30-50 feral hogs spotted outside Jeffrey Epstein’s prison cell moments before his death
Jeffrey Epstein, a long time friend to many powerful people, was found dead in his.