Category: Conspiracy
Merck to add glyphosate to vaccines in huge deal with Monsanto
Pharmaceutical giant Merck announced today that they would be altering the recipe for their vaccines.
UN cancels all further action on climate change after internet commenter exposes it as a hoax
The United Nations announced today that any and all action and/or conferences focusing on climate.
Plane crash kills 163 after pilot forgets to turn off chemtrails when landing
PHOENIX, AZ – A tragic accident that could have been avoided took the lives of.
Jessica Biel takes stance against California seat belt law
Los Angeles, CA – Jessica Biel, best known for her groundbreaking research in virology and.
I’m not anti-parachute, I’m pro safe-parachute
DENVER, CO – People who argue for parachutes to be as safe as possible often.
Breaking: Aunt Becky may have helped DJ get into veterinary college
In a breaking story, The Science Post has learned that Rebecca Donaldson aka Aunt Becky,.