Category: Big Pharma
Moderna scientists reportedly struggling to add microchips to latest boosters
The news is not good coming out of Moderna HQ. With another round of booster.
Lost Meningitis Brady Bunch episode found
A long-lost Brady Bunch episode about the hijinks surrounding a family meningococcal meningitis outbreak has.
Big Pharma manages to keep cure for cancer secret for another year
Big Pharma is celebrating as once again they have gone another year with managing to.
Breaking: Anti-vaccers are actually paid Pharma Shills
In what is sure to send shockwaves through both the pro-vaccine/pro-science side of the non-existent.
HIV cure within sight from ping pong table
Treatment of the HIV/AIDS epidemic may take a sharp turn in coming years, as a.
Pharma Shills threatening to strike
NEW YORK, NY – Local 277 who represents Pharma Shills worldwide, is threatening to strike.