NEW YORK, NY – Local man Jeremy Jones, 33, spent the better part of 7 days believing everything and anything he read on the internet. It was only when one of his friends told him about that a website posted some untrue stories that he realized his mistake.
“I really thought there was some kind of “internet police” or something that made sure everything posted on the web was true,” explained Jones. “For years I thought that the moon landing was fake, GMO food was bad for you, organic crops don’t use pesticides, vaccines cause autism and Melissa McCarthy was dead.”
Jones’ friend and former college roommate let him in on the secret that not all things on the internet are true.
“I was shocked to be honest, and pretty disappointed. I spent years doing research and it turns out most of it was bullshit” said a defeated Jones.
In a recent study, the internet police found that the most lies on the internet are around the government, health and celebrities.
“We did a study on alternative medicine and anti-vaccine websites and found that over 84% of the information posted was false,” said internet policeman Greg Proxy. “Over 60% of articles about the government and government conspiracies are also false, and nearly 60% of stories about celebrities are ether exaggerated or simply made up.”
Jones tells The Science Post that he plans on actually looking a bit more closely at what he reads on the web and any website with the worlds “truth”, “natural”, or “green” in the title he will assume are posting false information. He also states he will be less inclined to immediately believe any article which ends with “they don’t want you to know!”