PORTLAND, ME – No more will science illiterate parents have to solely rely on blaming vaccines for all the ills that befall their children. Vaccines are still the number one choice, well ahead of genetics, bad luck, reactions/symptoms from viruses, and environmental factors.
However, “GMO-injured” is making a huge push up the proverbial ladder.
“Before if a child had autism, was developmentally delayed, or had any other illness, we pretty much only had vaccines to blame. But now that GMOs are getting to be huge news and there is a whole movement against them, it is just one more weapon in our arsenal” said former parent, Joanne Ullman.
While both vaccines and GMO foods have been extensively studied and shown to be safe, it matters not to parents who are truly in the know and have done their own research.
“It’s getting really repetitive and tedious to keep having to prove pro-GMO and pro-vaccine advocates wrong all the time,” said Ullman. “All they have is mountains of peer-reviewed evidence and trials. The doctors and scientists who performed those studies don’t even have online stores. If they were so smart, why don’t they have a book or a dvd or supplements for sale?”