Your home may one day be powered by vaccine/anti-vaccine reaction

Following closely on the heels of the discovery by a homeopath that vaccines can be reversed by homeopaths, scientists at the European Organization for Homeopathic Nuclear Research (HCERN) have demonstrated successfully the ability to produce energy from vaccine/anti-vaccine reactions.

“Since vaccines are so powerful, we knew that it would take an enormous amount of homeopathic energy to neutralize them. We thought it would be amazing if we could find a way to release that,” said Hawking Stevensen, Ph.H.D., lead researcher for the team. “Allopathic physicists only deal with the symptoms of the particles and so they are unable to unleash the full power that can only come from treating the system holistically. That’s why it takes them so much raw material in order to generate energy.”

Stevensen reported that they were able to run the reactions consistently at 3.7keC (keC is a standardized measurement of potentiation used by homeopathic physicists equivalent to diluting a single electron to 1000C), and quickly added, “We think that we can scale that up to something in the TeC range. That would be enough homepathic energy to power an entire city!”

When asked if the reaction test was double-blinded or compared with a placebo, Dr. Stevensen declined to comment.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.