Why you should think twice about vaccinating your children

science, health, satire, vaccines.

There is always more than one way to look at a decision. Two sides to every coin. In the case of vaccines, you must think twice: first, what is best for your own child, and second, what is best for other children. If you think about both of these questions, the answer is to vaccinate.

“We encourage parents to think twice, think for themselves and do some research on vaccines,” said Big Pharma controlled CDC scientist Dr. Fred Funkelstein. “If they do that, they will most certainly vaccinate their children.”

Many anti-vaccine Facebook pages and anti-vaccine advocacy groups encourage parents to “do their research” about vaccines. We here at The Spudd completely agree. In fact, here are some sources to consider when researching vaccines:

Vaccinate Your Baby : Research & Studies

Vaccine Safety | Vaccine Safety | CDC

Canadian Center for Vaccinology

WHO | Global Vaccine Safety

Once you “do your research” and think twice about vaccines (once about your own child, and again about other children and immunocomprised children) you will certainly decide to vaccinate. Again, we encourage you to research the safety and efficacy of vaccines.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.