Use of new 'Stupidity Exemptions' for vaccines expected to soar in 2016

LOS ANGELES, CA – Religious and philosophical exemptions used to be the only non-medical way for parents to express their stupidity and not have their children vaccinated. Well not anymore.

California is introducing a new “Stupidity” exemption for parents to opt out of vaccines for their kids.

“The parents must fully illustrate that they are stupid, beyond a reasonable doubt,” said Dr. Richard Pan, pharma shill and sociopath. “They will need to provide documentation in the form of an IQ test and a written letter of stupid from a physician before the exemption would be granted.”

Anti-vaccers are reportedly torn about the new exemption, as many of them fancy themselves as very smart, but are also hoping to take advantage of this new opportunity.

“There’s no way I would ever not get a well score on the QI test,” said Rebecca Hastings, anti-vaccine genius. “As long as there is none of the maths.”

Many people are against the new exemption form, worried it will lead to more parents opting out of vaccines. However, Dr. Pan believes that any parents who would be stupid enough to not want to vaccinate their kids and therefor qualify for the new program, would not be smart enough to figure out how to use it.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.