Unvaccinated child dies of diphtheria, are vaccines still to blame?

science, health, satire, vaccines.

LOS ANGELES, CA – A tragic story coming out of a Los Angeles suburb today as 4 year old Timmy Tanner has died as a result of diphtheria. Timmy’s parents refused to have him vaccinated, fearing he would get autism.

“We lost an angel today,” said Timmy’s mom, Carol. “The only solace we have is that he died autism free.”

The pro-vaccine community is expressing sympathy and sadness for the Tanner family, feeling the family was a victim of the anti-vaccine movement rather than willfully puttingĀ  their child in harms way.

“Unfortunately, many parents fall victim to the misinformation and fear perpetuated by the anti-vaccine zealots,” said big pharma shill Dr. David Oracski. “We must continue to educate parents about the dangers of skipping vaccines.”

The anti-vaccine community on the other hand is fully placing the blame on the DTaP vaccine, believing that Timmy must have caught diphtheria from a recently vaccinated friend or classmate.

“It’s a well known fact in the anti-vaccine community that vaccines shed and are making children very, very ill,” said anti-vaccer Geoff Smith. “If people just listened to us and stopped vaccinating their kids, their would be no more disease at all. And no autism of course.”

The science believing community will tell you that diphtheria cases have actually been almost eliminated in the United States thanks to vaccines, with only a handful of cases a year, many of which are travel related. The fatality rate for diphtheria can be as high as 20% in children.

Reports indicate that several anti-vaccers have filled out VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports about Timmy’s case, even thought he wasn’t vaccinated.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.