HPV Vaccine
HPV Vaccine Linked to Numerous Issues

The controversy over the HPV vaccine is not going away anytime soon, especially after these.

Man doesn’t win lottery after getting flu shot, immediately blames vaccines

ATLANTA, GA – Kenneth Hann is furious. For years Kenneth has bought his lottery tickets.

trump kool aid
Kool-Aid introduces new Trump flavor, “The most powerful Kool-Aid yet”

Kool-Aid has announced they will be debuting a new flavor this week called “Trump Orange.”.

Aging anti-vaxxer keeps claiming Mercury, not Aluminum, causes autism

Much to the consternation of younger members of the anti-vaccine movement, Sean Segal, a prominent.

Local anti-vaccine mother does some math, won’t allow child in car or to eat food

Local mother Nancy Del Grande recently stumbled upon a website showing all the possible causes.

Outbreak of dysentery continues to spread across Oregon Trail

OREGON – Epidemiologists and doctors are baffled as to why the outbreak of dysentery continues.