Tag: vaccine exemptions
Anti-vaccers 700% more likely to believe study if shared by anti-vaccine website and contains ridiculous statistic
NEW YORK, NY – In a new study released today, it was shown that anti-vaccine.
Study: Naturopaths and homeopaths refer to themselves as "doctor" more than doctors
NEW YORK, NY – A recent study by Columbia University has revealed that naturopaths and.
Truth in Science Series: One on One with Dr. Paul Offit
Welcome to the first in our series of Truth in Science. This is where we.
Anti-vaccine former doctor Andrew Wakefield accidentally blocks himself on Twitter
Former doctor Andrew Wakefield, the darling of the anti-vaccine and anti-science movement, is known for.
Woman wakes up after 20 year coma, reads news, asks to go back in coma
NEW YORK, NY – Area woman Janet Hutton, 53, finally awoke from a nearly 20 year.
A Science Post reporter shrinks down, goes inside the brain of an anti-vaccer
Using advanced shrinking technology, one brave reporter from The Science Post shrunk down and ventured into.