Tag: MMR
New study confirms no link between MMR vaccine and autism, sky is also confirmed to be blue
NEW YORK, NY – A new study in the BMJ has confirmed once again that.
Anti-vaccer shocked to learn "mercury" was never in MMR vaccine, years of advocacy down the drain
Elizabeth Hornswaggle is an anti-vaccine advocate, single mom, and all natural detective. So you can imagine her surprise and horror when she confirmed that the MMR vaccine has never contained the mercury preservative thimerosal.
Anti-vaccer loses second fictional child to vaccine injury
DALTON, FL – In yet another tragic case of vaccine injury, local mother Francesca Thornton.
Aluminum to be taken out of vaccines, anti-vaccers in a panic with what to blame for autism
NEW YORK, NY – Big Pharma announced today that aluminum will be phased out of.
Anti-vaccer designs new online symptom checker, all results say vaccine-injury
SAN JOSE, CA – Local anti-vaccine web designer Max Delton recently started a new website.
Anti-vaccine parents frightened of recently vaccinated children shedding diseases
BOSTON, MA – Local anti-vaccine parents Debbie and Sean Richardson are terrified that their unvaccinated,.