Tag: facebook
Facebook releases new “fingers in ears, stomp up and down” reporting system, modeled after anti-vaccers
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – Facebook announced the implementation of their new algorithm for deleting pages.
Breaking: ISIS agrees to stop terrorism after enough people finally change their profile picture on Facebook
RAQQA, SYRIA – The most feared terrorist group in the world announced they will be.
Woman convinced being anti-vax makes her more interesting to Facebook friends
TALLAHASSEE, FL – A Tallahassee woman admitted today that she only pretends to be an.
Anti-vaccer truly believes he won argument on Facebook by citing Natural News
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Local anti-vaccer Jay Wilson is giving himself a much-deserved pat on.
David "Avocado" Wolfe resolves to post even more memes with cheesy quotes in the new year
YOUR MIND – The king of cheesy quote memes, David “Avocado” Wolfe, is making a.
World in shock as someone posts Facebook comment without fact checking
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – A Facebook comment has sent shock-waves through the entire globe today.