Tag: creationism
50,000 Pokemon Go characters magically fit into new Ark Encounter Museum
LEXINGTON, KY – The New Ark Encounter Museum in Northern Kentucky is drawing dozens of.
Starbucks to debut 'Gingerbread Jesus' among others
After the backlash of not having enough Christmas stuff on their holiday cups (or was.
Young Earth Creationist Society accidentally funds study proving Earth is over 4 billion years old
In a move similar to the anti-vaccine group SafeMinds proving (again) that vaccines don’t cause.
New evidence suggests anti-vaccers evolved from a more primitive species
In a study released today by the Smithsonian Institute it was concluded that people who.
Man jumps off cliff to test “Theory of Gravity”
Many anti-vaccine and anti-science members love to go on about the “Theory of Evolution” and.
Scientists discover new Homo species: Homo Phobius
Scientists from The Smithsonian Institution announced today news of the discovery of a new species.