Study: Children who get medicine much healthier than those who don't

A new study from the American Academy of Pediatrics released today shows that American children who get medical treatment when ill lead much healthier and longer lives.

“We looked at over 60,000 children from all over the country in several different birth cohorts” explained researcher Dr. Harold Ramis. “And the children who received medical treatment and interventions fared significantly better than the children who did not.”

What the researchers found most astounding was the number of children who have access to the latest medical interventions but whose parents chose not to use them.

“A lot of children were denied medical treatments in lieu of quackery and woo” said Ramis. “It was the most shocking part of the whole study. Several children in the various cohorts suffered needlessly because parents decided to trust Facebook groups instead of doctors. These are parents with the means to get proper medical treatment for their children and decide not to; they instead spend their money on things like homeopathy, magic rocks and miracle cures.”

The researchers are hoping some of these parents will read this study and change their views.

“You never know, maybe some of these anti-vaccine, anti-science parents will read this study and realize they are wrong…hey it could happen” said a delusional Ramis. “Honestly though, I just feel bad for those poor kids.”


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.