Search Results for: Flu
CDC experimenting with oral vaccines which will contain fluoride
ATLANTA, GA – The CDC is reportedly working on a new set of childhood vaccines.
Man doesn’t win lottery after getting flu shot, immediately blames vaccines
ATLANTA, GA – Kenneth Hann is furious. For years Kenneth has bought his lottery tickets.
Dr. Oz’s urine worth an estimated $50 per fluid ounce
NEW YORK, NY – Everyone’s favorite doctor, Dr. Oz, may have another feather to put.
Man who called CDC “Pathological Liars” cites CDC data in rejecting the flu vaccine
Pediatric chiropractor Dr. Josh Axit told all of his patients this week that the flu.
Study: Excessive masturbation may protect against the flu
A new study released today from JAMA, The Journal of the American Masturbation Association, concluded that people who excessively masturbate are less likely to contract influenza.
Children who drink fluoridated water are dying, report shows
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND – The World Health Organization (WHO) released a damning report about fluoridation of.