Scientists confirm confirmation bias rampant in anti-vaccine movement

science, health, satire, vaccines.

In a new study released today, scientists have confirmed that confirmation bias runs rampant in anti-vaccine circles.

“All they do is ignore evidence that goes against their pre-conceived ideas and hoard any information that agrees with them, no matter where it comes from” said principal investigator, Dr. James Novak. “Anecdotes are their preferred method of evidence and confirmation bias.”

The report also shows how anti-vaccine cult members, when no real evidence is available, will simply create it.

“We found numerous instances of anti-vaccers simply creating anecdotes and stories of vaccine injuries, quotes from fake doctors, etc.” explained Novak.

The anti-vaccine advocates are outraged by the new study claiming it is worthless because Novak’s ex-boyfriend’s cousin’s former roommate did an summer internship at Merck.

“You don’t have to look far to find a connection back to Big Pharma for any of these type of studies,” explained Joe Gooding, anti-vaccine and flat earth believer. “The author of this study has tioes to Merck, whether he admits it or not. I knew I would find this, and I just confirmed it.”


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.