Report: If no one you know has died of a particular disease, it therefor isn't deadly

In a new report from the Annals of Internal Stupidity, researchers have concluded that if you don’t personally know someone who has died of a particular disease, that disease is rendered harmless. The study looked at several different people in one family who luckily have not had a relative die of the flu, smallpox, diptheria, measlesĀ and a host of other vaccine-preventable diseases.

“The family who took part in the study had no immediate family members die because of a vaccine-preventable illness,” said Dr. Sandy Gerro, naturopath. “Therefor, we must conclude that those diseases are harmless to this family.”

Many epidemiologists and well, just normal people, are criticizing the study for a plethora of reasons.

“I’m confused how this can even be called a study,” said one CDC epidemiologist. “And I’m also not sure how this managed to get published. This is very erroneous and dangerous information to put out there.”

Anti-science and anti-vaccine cult members are fully embracing the study, as they will believe any and all stories, anecdotes and “studies” that confirm their pre-conceived bias.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.