NFL: Healthy gut flora key To concussion prevention

Faced with increasing criticism from fans and players over the dangers of concussions in football, the NFL revealed new internal research which showed that players who took the effort to maintain healthy guy flora in their microbiomes were significantly less likely to suffer concussions while playing the sport. Prior to this, several rule changes and new helmet designs had failed to stem the plague of concussions which threatened the future of the sport.

According to a report released by the NFL, “Our research shows that players with a robust microbiome have maximized their health potential through epigenetics. Supporting the good bacteria in the gut will go a long way to providing a ‘shield’ against concussions.”

According to many NFL players, the findings were actually common knowledge around the league. Giants quarterback Eli Manning told The Spudd, “We know all illness begins in the gut. If you are a “wellness junkie,” you are likely developing a healthy terrain through eating whole foods, reducing exposure to avoidable toxic influences, and controlling your stress. Every player I know takes the utmost care to cultivate and maintain his gut bacteria. You won’t last long in this league if you don’t.”

The NFL is now selling a wide variety of probiotics on its online store, in addition to team gear.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.