New surgery resident manages to mention he went to Harvard a record 237 times

science, health, satire, vaccines.

CLEVELAND, OH – New residents at the Cleveland General Hospital began their first set of rotations this week, always a long and gruling affair. But not so for Harvard Medical School graduate Bob Sackamano.

“Ugh, Bob.” said one attending physician. “He’s a great doctor and is going to be a great surgeon, but enough with the Harvard already.”

According to reports, Dr. Sackamano managed to mention he went to Harvard over 230 times in 36 hours.

“He tells anyone who will listen, anyone. I heard him talking to the janitor about it” said one of his residency colleagues. “He even has a stethoscope with a Harvard logo on it.”

Sackamano is not the first Harvard grad to go down this road, as only 3 years prior a graduate by the name of Dave Dolan managed to squeeze in that he went to Harvard a then record 211 times during his first shift.

“Dave is a bit of a legend around the Harvard campus,” explains Sackamano. “To be able to beat his Harvard record is something I will cherish forever. Harvard.”

“We get it. You went to Harvard” said everyone.


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