New study reveals damning new evidence against vaccine safety

DENVER, CO – A new survey conducted by anti-vaccine advocates concluded that vaccine safety is greatly overstated by numerous health organizations across the world and that vaccines are actually universally unsafe.

“This is very big news” said co-principal investigator Jack Crosby. “But I guarantee you the mainstream media doesn’t even touch it.”

This new “study” was conducted by various anti-vaccine websites such as Age of Autism, Autism Investigated, Modern Alternative Mama and Living Whole. The study consisted of asking website visitors if they thought vaccines were safe.

“We had a tremendous response across all the participating sites,” said Crosby. “We had over 90% of respondents declare “No, vaccines are not safe.” I think this puts the nail in the coffin about the vaccine debate: they are NOT safe.”

Anti-vaccine advocates across the globe are expected to hold this survey up as the newest and greatest proof that vaccines are unsafe and full of chemikills.

When it was explained to Crosby (who has no real epidemiology training) that surveys are in fact NOT the same as peer-reviewed studies and trials, he simply laughed and asserted that all detractors of this survey are bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.