New female Viagra being used by high school girls…getting disappointed by teenage boys at record pace

The newest drug to hit the market for women is Flibanserin, the female version of Viagra. The libido enhancing drug has been given FDA approval and the drug has already found it’s way into the nations high schools.

“We are hearing and seeing many young women using and abusing the drug,” said Department of Education’s Brandi Senochi. “Many girls have reported being underwhelmed and generally left unsatisfied by the bevy of high school boys eager to attempt to please them.”

The drug is marketed for older women, similar to Viagra for men. However, it is not uncommon for a drug to be used by young men and women in this manner.

“We see this a lot with prescription drugs, it can be a real problem” said the FDA’s Dr. Mary Mulva. “In this case the most serious side effects seem to be the inability for high school boys to satisfy the girls.”

The FDA highly recommends against the use of Flibanserin without a prescription.


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